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> Nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist, "The Gear Junkie." Writer for top daily newspapers and consumer magazines (New York Times, Popular Science magazine, Los Angeles Times, etc.). Prominent blogger.

> Professional experience includes a web site upstart (, a magazine upstart (Vertical Jones magazine) and fours years in a Senior Editor position at Presentations magazine, a 75,000-circ. business/technology magazine. Write nationally-syndicated newspaper column ("The Gear Junkie," weekly since 2002).

> Extensive writing work since 1997. Specialize in travel, fitness, sports, outdoors, business and technology. Write for publications including New York Times, Popular Science magazine, Muscle&Fitness magazine, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and Travel+Leisure magazine.

> Photography for New York Times, Associated Press, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Adventure Sports magazine.


Syndicated Columnist | "The Gear Junkie" (2002 – present)

* Nationally-syndicated Gear Junkie column on outdoors/fitness runs weekly in several major daily newspapers.

* Syndicate newspapers include Seattle Post-Intelligencer, LA Weekly, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Albuquerque Journal, Greensboro News-Record, Spokane Spokesman, Redding Searchlight Record, Billings Gazette and Reno Gazette-Journal.

* Total weekly newspaper circulation: 2 million+

Editor & Publisher | LLC (2006 – present)

* Created online publication on gear, adventure travel and the outdoors.

* Launched web site in 2006 with hundreds of pages of content, including video gear reviews, travel stories, slide shows, message boards, and a blog.

* Daily blog at

Senior Editor | Presentations magazine, Minneapolis, Minn. (2001 – 2005)

* Staff writer and editor for monthly, 75,000-circ. business magazine published by VNU Business Media.

* Responsible for 10 major feature stories each year, including four cover stories; contributed to magazine's news section and weekly e-newsletter; extensive editing of contributing writers' work.

* Wrote prominent monthly column on presentations industry. Established "Presentations Lab" for in-house product testing.

Editor | Vertical Jones magazine, Minneapolis, Minn. (1997 – 2001)

* Created and launched consumer sports magazine. Established editorial staff and base of contributing writers.

* Partnered with Chicago-based publishing company for advertising sales, printing and distribution.

* Wrote editor's intro column, feature stories, news, product reviews and travel features for each issue.

* Designed magazine layout (QuarkXPress). Developed (served as Webmaster).


University of Minnesota

B.A. Journalism (1999)

Honors include membership in Phi Beta Kappa and Kappa Tau Alpha national honor societies.